Interest Groups
A safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life | Tuesdays 7:00 pm | On Campus
Bible Study and Discussion
This group covers different topics of the Bible that are relevant to daily life. We discuss and pray for each other. Everyone is welcome, men and women | Wednesdays 7 pm | On Campus | Childcare Provided
Refreshed by The Holy Spirit
Finding our gifts, learning how to use them and being refreshed by the Holy Spirit | 1st and 3rd Sundays 4:30 pm | Norco
Vineyard 101
New to Groups? New to the Vineyard? This is the group for you. Come and spend some time with Lead Pastor Travis learning who we are, and experience group life. | Wednesdays 7 pm | On Campus | Childcare Provided
Spanish Group
Translated sermon discussion questions | Wednesdays 7pm | On Campus | Childcare Provided
Prayer Room
This is a time for us to worship, wait on God, intercede, and experience the presence of God together! We will focus on hearing from the Holy Spirit as we pray and worship together using the scriptures as our guide. | Tuesdays 7pm | On Campus
Loving Our Kids on Purpose...Making a heart connection. | Wednesday 7pm | On Campus | Childcare provided
See Jesus in the gospel of John
Come, interact together around this remarkable Man, Jesus, to discover the welcoming heart of Jesus. | Wednesday 7pm | On Campus | Childcare provided
Join the mission
Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, | Wednesday 7pm | On Campus | Childcare Provided